
Friday, March 06, 2009


这是我见过最扯的大话forwarded email!!!

From: Sankhala, Suresh Singh
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: UK Requirement

Dear Friends,
Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill
Gates is sharing his fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest
Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail
beta test.

When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.

For every person that you forward this e-mail to,
Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you
$243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $241.00. Within two week! s, Microsoft will contact you for your address and then send
you a cheque.


我对这些鸟email真的是没力了...有一些呢,就说:“Hotmail is closing down...”,不转寄就要关掉我的email,一大堆,小弟N年前就收过类似如此的"Warning Letter",而我没forward出去,怎么我的email没被shut down的???

还有还有!那些附上很可怜的照片的email,说什么每一封forward的email AOL会捐出多少多少钱之类的。那么多年了,我从来没见过有人站出来感激网友forward这些email而他们得到帮助的。最讨厌的是,这些email后面还要加上一句"If you ignore this you seriously don't have a heart..."


亲爱的朋友们,如果你们再寄这些junk mail给我的话...



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